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REVINO este si el printre cei care v-ar putea recomanda un vin potrivit pentru partenerii dumneavoastră de afaceri, inclusiv pentru cadouri sau daca vreti sa dati o super petrecere corporate si nu stiti ce sa puneti pe masa. Vinurile provin numai din segmental HoReCa.Se poata contacta telefon la +40 743 862 874 sau prin e-mail la daca doriti sa detaliati evenimentul pe care doriti sa-l realizati.

  • In engleza:

REVINO can help you and recommend the right wine for your occasion, wether you need it for your business partners, for a corporate event or just as a give-away. Exclusively deal with Horeca wines.

Contact by phone +40 743 862 874 or by email and tell them more about your/the event.

For special gifts, they can offer you cardboard or wood boxes, for one, two or three bottles of wine. These boxes will protect the bottle and add creative value to your gift.

The minimum order amount is 1000 lei (VAT included).

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