Kaufland introduces a new concept ‘Happy Hour’ discounts

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Kaufland Slovacia testeaza un nou concept numit happy-hour discount, iar Kaufland Polonia incearca pentru prima data un private label pentru copii.  The article is available in english down below this lign.

Kaufland Slovakia is trying out a new discount scheme that takes place between 17:00 and 21:00 and Monday to Wednesday. The scheme offers shoppers 10% discount on their whole shopping, without tobacco products.

The happy-hour scheme has 2 new concepts that are benefiting the retailer. First of all, it will help drive traffic to Kaufland stores in the evenings. Second of all, it will cut food waste by selling perishable items at a reduced price. Thou, know one told us about the period for which this concept of Kaufland Slovakia will be avalaible. Spokesperson for the retailer, Lucia Langová, promised their clients that will “keep analysing and assessing this action”.

On the other side of the story, Kaufland Poland invented a new baby clothing private label, Kuniboo, to its stores. The range was made for children up to 4-years-old. Kuniboo clothing will be packaged in paper and cardboard boxes, avoiding single-use plastics. This move is a part of Kaufland’s strategy to expand its private label range. Earlier in 2018, Kaufland introduced a personal care private label, Bevola.(www.igd.com)

By: Andy Young

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